Globally agriculture sector has developed rapidly after the introduction of agrochemicals and machine farming, farmers are getting 3-4 multiple crops in a year with massive production but the contrary effects of these agrochemicals are visible in our environment in form of land degradation, soil erosion, soil infertility, polluted soil, unhygienic food and fodder, polluted air and polluted freshwater sources.
On the other hand, natural or organic farming has slow food production ability but these methods are fruitful for our nature. Let's discuss in-depth, what are the benefits of organic farming for living beings as well as our surroundings.

Researches have proved that food produced using bio-fertilizers and chemical-free insect or pest killers is very healthy for human health. WHO (2010) report suggested that each year 300,000 people got intoxicated every year by pest killers, and out of the 20,000 died respectively (WHO, 2010). When lab tests were conducted for food quality assurance, results suggested that traces of banned DDT and BHC were found in cereals, pulses, vegetables, and milk. A study in the US and Canada suggested that farmers who used pesticides were suffering from Hodgkin's cancer, prostate, and stomach cancer. Another study suggested that women have a high risk of breast cancer due to the accumulation of lindane and Altrazine in the body; these are the main ingredients used in pesticides, so organic food protects us from fatal diseases.
Organic farming can produce highly nutritive and healthy food. Medical researchers suggested that food grown organically can protect us from health issues like cancers, heart attacks. Moreover, organic food can protect us from different allergies such as starch allergy and peanuts allergy, as these allergies are the result of excessive use of chemical fertilizers and insect killers during cultivation.
Salicylic acid is naturally found in those plants which are free of pest killers and helpful against the hardening of blood arteries and intestines in humans (Gopalkrishan, R., 2019). Human and animal reproductive ability can be increased by the daily use of organic food.Scottish research suggested that food produced through natural farming has six times more nutrient levels as compared to inorganic farming. Lab tests suggested that conventional food (potato, broccoli, tomatoes) has lost 57% vitamin C and iron, 28% calcium, niacin, and vitamin B12.
Organic farming can increase soil fertility and yield. The health of the soil is interlinked with its production capability. The use of organic matter or manure in the soil can directly affect the physical, biological chemical properties of soil. A farmer must use natural manure regularly to acquire maximum production.
Natural fertilizer or humus makes the soil lively; activates its immune system against infections, insects, and termite attacks. It makes the soil less compressed and spongy, which allows the roots to penetrate more deeply to find water.
Organic farming is an environmentally friendly and sustainable way of agricultural practice. The main purpose of this technique is to maintain ecological balance while food production and prevent soil from surface runoff or pest attack.
Protection from Water Pollution:
Organic farming can protect freshwater resources especially groundwater from pollution. Organic farming is free of the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and insecticides which can alter the characteristics of freshwater when mixed up. Globally we are facing a water shortage and available resources have been contaminated, so organic farming can conserve our short water resources.
Protection from Air Pollution:
In organic farming, chemical sprays are prohibited which can pollute the air surrounding us, so organic farming can protect our air from pollution.
Protection from Soil Erosion
Organic materials can make the soil more compacted. It avoids surface runoff of soil during heavy rainfall.
In organic farming holistic approach is used which means that we must treat the agroecosystem as a whole concerning the farms. One agricultural activity of a farmer in a sphere directly or indirectly affects the other spheres of the ecosystem. Organic farmers can take advantage of biological cycles (nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen cycle) and interaction between living creatures such as animals, plants, microbes, soil, and climate. They are fundamental rules of a healthy and balanced ecosystem through which farmers can increase production. Organic farming works with biological cycles rather than disturbing them. Ecological balance is hidden in the interrelationship of the biosphere with the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
Organic farming is the best way for our environmental protection. Human health, animal health, soil health and strength, air freshener, and water purity are linked with agricultural practice and organic farming can easily maintain ecological balance.